Dog Spot








North & South

Cool & Warm Season Grasses

Grass species affected  

  • All grass species


  • Lawn damage caused by dog urine is commonly mistaken for a lawn disease. The high level of nitrogen in a dog’s urine can cause grass to burn—similar to applying too much synthetic fertilizer—and yellowish dead spots will appear. Female dogs have stronger urine, which can make the problem worse. Dogs, especially females, tend to revisit the same spot to urinate.

Disease occurrence 

  • Year round

Management: There are several methods you can use to address dog spot.

  • Immediately saturate the areas where your dog urinates with a large volume of water. This dilutes and distributes the nitrogen in the urine.
  • Establish an area of your yard as your dog’s “bathroom” and train them to go there when nature calls. Cover the area with gravel or mulch that’s kind to dogs’ paws, so it can be easily cleaned, rinsed, and replaced. It helps prevent odor from feces and urine, as well as accidental “dirty” shoes. You’ll find plenty of DIY plans online for creating a doggy bathroom area and pet friendly landscape tips.
  • Be sure to keep your dog well hydrated to lower urine nitrogen levels naturally. Your dog should have access to water at all times.

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