Professional Testimonials

“Milorganite is the only carrier I use when I reseed with bentgrass after aerification. Having grown up in Milwaukee, I’ve used it for over 22 years.”
Mark Kastemholz, Tipton, IN
"We use Milorganite as part of our total fertilization plan to provide a long lasting steady growth without surges throughout the golf course. Tees, fairways and rough are treated in early summer to provide green color and consistent recovery from traffic and divots. Greens are treated in late fall to provide spring green-up and consistent growth through the next summer.We also use Milorganite as a spring application on our landscape shrubs and flowers to provide growth and health without any chance of burning."
David Brandenburg, Golf Course Manager
Fond du Lac County, Rolling Meadows Golf Course
"I've applied Milorganite religiously on my sand based greens as a late fall application for many years. It serves as a perfect buffer for snow and ice. It also works well on exposed surfaces protecting the crowns from wind damage and drying out. Come spring the turf responds really well with early spring green up!”
Ross Brown, Rochester, NY
“I use Milorganite to provide a safe source of natural phosphorus, to build and manage organic matter in heavy clay soils in fairways and because it provides safe, slow release nitrogen that will not burn.”
Anthony Kalina, Chicago, IL
“I operate an 18 hole private golf course in the Berkshire mountains of Massachusetts. In the winter months, we are very susceptible to ice build up on greens. An application of Milorganite on top of the ice and hard packed snow has made a HUGE difference in speeding up the ice melting process. I’ve had no wither damage from ice since I started applying Milorganite.”
Mike Salinetti, Dalton, Massachusetts
“My members always ask how we grow such great flowers and when I tell them to fertilize with Milorganite, they always come back and tell me how after using Milorganite they have the best flowers in their neighborhood.”
Terry Boehm, Avon, OH
“At the Villa Terrace Renaissance Garden we are very happy to use Milorganite product on our lawn. It creates a great result without the worry of burn or accidental application to other garden beds, it will be to their benefit. With Milorganite and a strict regimen of watering we provide a solid, green, healthy landscape for our visitors, young and old, to enjoy.”
Gail Jaeger Mosser
Villa Terrace Estate Gardener
"The Milwaukee County Zoo has been using Milorganite for many years. Every Spring we put a ring of Milorganite around each of cluster of day lilies and hostas. Miloganite provides these plants with the right mix of nutrients to promote good color, and lush growth."
Ann Hackbarth
Milwaukee County Zoo Horticulturist