
To keep the appearance of a green golf course during the winter golfing season, many southern superintendents overseed turf with cool season annual grasses. Annual ryegrass often is used due to its relatively low cost, annual growth nature and acceptable appearance.
New seedlings need nutrients to grow into acceptable turf. These nutrients should be from a low salt source with permanent turf being stressed by cold weather and new seedlings that are highly susceptible to salt damage. These new seedlings also need nitrogen for energy and phosphorus to encourage growth.
Milorganite is an excellent source of nutrients for overseeding. Its low-salt formula will not harm any turf types, even new seedlings. It also supplies slow release nitrogen that will release only as the new seedlings require this nutrient for growth. Milorganite products also supply phosphorus, an essential nutrient that tends to be taken up poorly during cool weather.
Why Milorganite?
- Low-salt formula will not harm new seedlings
- Slow release nitrogen that releases as new seedlings require it
- Available phosphorus to promote growth of new seedlings
- Organically complex iron for enhanced color without excessive growth
When overseeding, superintendents must balance the seedling nutrient needs versus the need for the permanent turf species to go into winter dormancy. Apply lower amounts of nitrogen than during the normal summer growing season, but make sure that annual grass seedlings are not nutrient deficient. A suggestion is to apply 1-lbs. N per 1,000 sq ft at seeding and at least once during winter months to relieve nitrogen stress.