Greens and Tees

Players expect the greens to play smooth; nothing should interfere with this surface. That’s why we developed Milorganite Greens Grade, SGN 90. These small particles fall into the turf canopy so the fertilizer doesn’t interfere with the putting surface, or end up in the baskets of greens mowers. Spreading the uniform, dust-free granules of Milorganite Greens Grade is one of the best ways to make sure your players return time after time.
Golf course tees take some of the roughest abuse on the golf course. Their care and maintenance is continually under fire due to the desire by golfers for that perfect tee shot. By including Milorganite in your fertility program for tees, you alleviate some of this stress.
Cool Season Turf
Bentgrass, poa annua, kentucky bluegrass, fescue and perennial ryegrass
Season | Greens: N per 1,000 sq ft | Greens: Milorganite per 1,000 sq ft | Tees: N per 1,000 sq ft | Tees: Milorganite per 1,000 sq ft |
Spring | 1 lb | 17 lbs | 1/2 lb | 8 1/2 lbs |
Summer | 1/2 lb | 6-8 1/2 lbs | 1/2 lb | 8 1/2 lbs |
Fall | 1 lb | 17 lbs | 1 lb | 17 lbs |
Dormant | 1 1/2 lb | 25 lbs | 1 1/2 lbs | 25 lbs |
Warm Season Turf
Bermuda, seashore paspalum and zoysiagrass
Season | Greens: N per 1,000 sq ft | Greens: Milorganite per 1,000 sq ft | Tees: N per 1,000 sq ft | Tees: Milorganite per 1,000 sq ft |
Spring | 1-2 lbs | 17-34 lbs | 1-2 lbs | 17-34 lbs |
Summer | 1-2 lbs | 17-34 lbs | 1-2 lbs | 17-34 lbs |
Fall | 1-2 lbs | 17-34 lbs | 1-2 lbs | 17-34 lbs |
Fall overseeding | 1 lb | 17 lbs | 1-2 lbs | 17 lbs |
In regions where killing frosts can be expected, avoid nitrogen applications to warm-season grasses in the fall less than one month prior to the average date of the first killing frost. For best results, fertilize when over-seeding with cool-season grasses.
All rates are monthly except dormant which is annual.
Follow this link to calculate the amount of product needed for your specific area: Purdue Turf Fertilizer Calculator