Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Do you have a large brown patch in your lawn? Learn how to manage lawn patch disease from Allyn Hane, the Lawn Care Nut.
Outdoor activities, as permitted, are great stress-relievers, especially for those temporarily isolated. Here are yard/garden activities for both you and your kids…
Warm-season grasses create the green lawns we admire in the South and West. Here are some tips for maintaining healthy warm-season grasses from season-to-season.
That brown patch in your lawn could be a lawn disease or grubs, which are controlled by breaking their lifecycle with preventive and curative insecticides.
Pre-emergents are great for weed control before weeds start to grow, but how do you kill weeds that are already in your lawn? Whether your lawn is covered in weeds…
Don’t do it! We give lawn tips on how to grow healthy grass. Here are some things to not do this spring in your lawn, as well as those not to neglect.
How to kill dandelions is a perennial topic. Here are four options: remove them by hand; spot treat, spread an herbicide on the entire lawn; or live with them.
The key to a healthy lawn is healthy soil, and the link between your turf and that soil are roots.
You can have your grass and be kind to the environment too. It’s just a matter of changing your lawn care practices.