Garden & Landscape

Here are a few of Joe Gardener's favorite gardening hacks, to save you time, energy, and even precious resources in and around the garden.
Use Companion Planting to boost your garden’s productivity, reduce pest problems and improve the soil.
Learn how to understand your soil's health and how to improve it, with Soil 101 with Joe Gardener.
Looking to start gardening? Follow these gardening tips for beginners from Melinda Myer's to set your plants up for success.
Learn what tools can help make gardening easier with Joe Gardener's favorite gardening tools.
Discover the many health benefits of soil as you dig in and garden away the blues, improve your health and increase your focus.
No matter where you live you can keep gardening throughout the winter. Follow these do's and don'ts for winter gardening, both indoor and outdoor, from Melinda Myers.
Learn why winter is a great time to work on your garden with Joe Lamp'l for a more bountiful spring and summer.
Learn how to create a bird-friendly landscape with Melinda Myers.
Invest some time in preparing your landscape for the change in seasons. Dedicating some time now will pay off with healthier more beautiful landscape next spring.
Invite nature’s pest controllers into your garden by creating toad and frog friendly homes and habitats.
Learn what are japanese beetles and how to manage them in your lawn and garden from Melinda Myers.