Garden & Landscape

Don’t let a busy schedule stop you from creating a beautiful landscape. Incorporate a few of these changes in your fall landscape care.
Understanding what soil you have is the best place to start when creating a healthy soil foundation. Soil is key to growing a healthy lawn and garden.
Revive overcrowded, poor flowering and flopping perennials with fall digging, dividing and transplanting.
Take a word of advice from a seasoned gardener and avoid these following five mistakes in your garden and landscape.
Learn three keys to keeping your lawn and garden growing strong this summer.
Don’t give up on those shady spots in your landscape. Learn how to create a garden in the shade with attractive options to beautify these challenging locations.
Raised beds are versatile in shape and structure, and they provide the ideal starting point for gardening success and bountiful crops.
Elevate your garden for convenience and easy access. You’ll enjoy the added planting space and ease of planting, weeding and harvesting at waist level.
Follow these seven keys to create a thriving and beautiful garden environment while conserving and protecting resources and wildlife.
Joe Lamp'l takes a look at some fertilizer facts and reviews not just the do’s and don’ts of fertilization but, more importantly, the “why’s” behind it all.
Build a raised bed garden with Hugelkultur. Convert logs, branches and other garden debris into nutrient rich soil ready to plant this spring.
Learn five simple steps to a fabulous garden this season.